All natural... Quick and easy beauty formula right in the comfort of your home.
Avocado hydrating mask
• 1 tbsp cream
• 1 tbsp yoghurt
• 2 tsp honey
• Flesh of half an avocado
Blend all ingredients until smooth. Using a foundation brush, gently paint the mask on to your face, avoiding the eyes. Leave on for 20 minutes then rinse off with warm water.
Beauty benefit
Studies show that "Avocado is an excellent source of monounsaturated fat and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, as well as potassium and vitamins A, C and E. Because avocado oil is more penetrating than other commonly used oils, such as almond and olive, all these nutrients are absorbed deeply into the skin. Avocado is particularly beneficial for sensitive or ageing skin, as its moisturising and rejuvenating properties increase the production of collagen."
Thyme and fennel cleanser
• 2 sprigs fresh thyme, chopped (or 1/2 tsp dried thyme)
• 2 tsp fennel seeds, crushed
• 1/2 cup boiling water
• Juice of half a lemon
Mix the thyme and fennel seed in a bowl and cover with boiling water. Add the lemon juice and steep for 15 minutes. Strain the infusion and store the liquid in a jar in the refrigerator. Because this cleanser is very gentle, it can be used each morning. Simply dab it on your face and neck with a cotton ball, then rinse.
Beauty benefit
Fennel is a powerful essential oil. As an infusion, fennel seeds can be gently cleansing and toning for the skin. Fennel can help reduce puffiness and superficial irritation. Thyme is useful for its toning, refreshing and antiseptic properties.
Face and body scrubs
Berry-skin facial scrub
• 3 medium strawberries (with green stems removed)
• 1 tbsp honey
Cut strawberries into small pieces, then mash against the sides of a bowl. Fold in honey and gently mix. Using small circles, massage the scrub into your face with your fingertips for a few minutes, and rinse with warm water.
Beauty benefit
According to health food website, strawberries have long been used topically in traditional medicine to treat burns and other skin irritations. The ancient Egyptians applied crushed strawberries to the face to treat acne. The website claims that strawberries have astringent and anti-inflammatory properties.
Sugary exfoliating body scrub
• 1 cup brown sugar
• 1 cup raw oatmeal
• 1 cup olive oil
Mix all ingredients to forma paste. Massage into your skin in slow, gentle circles. You may want to stand in the shower while you apply the scrub to avoid any excess mess. Rinse off in the shower using warm water.
Beauty benefits
Plain rolled oats is an excellent multi-purpose skin care treatment that can relieve dryness, restore natural moisture balance and aid in healing minor irritations. Combined with the fine gritof sugar, grime and dead skin can be diminished naturally, without chemicals or dryness.
SOURCE: Aquarius Magazine
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