Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Anti-aging? Meditate!

Scientific studies have shown that meditation have positive effects at very physical levels, with even small amounts of meditation proving to have significant health and anti-aging benefits.

The timelessness induced by meditation appears to have timelessness effects on the body too!

According to research, Meditation has been found to increase levels of the anti-aging hormone DHEA (which decreases in the body with age).

In one experiment, 45 year old male meditators who practiced basic breathing or mindfulness meditation 20 minutes a day for 3 months, had 23% more of the youth hormone DHEA than non-meditators.

For women, this difference was even greater, with female meditators showing 47% higher levels of DHEA than non-meditators!

DHEA also helps to decrease stress, heighten memory, preserve sexual function, and control weight.

In another Harvard study, regular practice of basic meditation techniques was shown to have a significant positive impact on genes related to the aging process.

This study was conducted on a group that had never meditated before, and were taught simple breathing and meditation techniques that generate a 'Relaxation Response'.
After only 8 weeks, meditation had impacted 1561 genes in a highly beneficial way!

874 genes were 'turned up' (up-regulated), which were essentially anti-aging genes (such as those involved in the production of ant-aging anti-oxidants that fight age-causing free radicals in the body).

687 were 'turned down' (down-regulated), which were less desirable ones such as those related to inflammation (that causes collateral damage to the body).

In another research study, long-term meditators (practicing meditation for five years or more) were shown to be physiologically twelve years younger than their chronological age (as measured by reduction of blood pressure, and better near-point vision and auditory discrimination!

Even short-term meditators were physiologically five years younger than their chronological age!

Amazing isn’t it? Even simple practices like observing your breathing to quiet and focus the mind, and exercise practices that support a still and focused mind like Qigong and yoga, for example, can be of help.

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