Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dream Big!

"Every single thing you do matters. You have been created as one of a kind. You have been created in order to make a difference. You have within you the power to change the world." -Andy Andrews

Dear Friend,
What is your biggest dream? Go ahead make a wish, do not be afraid to say it – proclaim to the world your deepest and strongest desire. Ask and you shall receive everything your heart desires!

Many people are afraid to dream. Some are dreaming but they do not allow themselves to dream Big. Here is a secret. The universe is created to make your dreams come true so if you’re afraid to dream you are actually not welcoming the blessings you deserve to receive.

Two Things you need to be successful
GIFTEDNESS and GODLINESS. What is the difference? 
Giftedness is the ability to turn thoughts into things.Godliness is the ability to use that giftedness to serve.Giftedness is being like God in His skills.Godliness is being like God in His service.Giftedness is being like God in His power.Godliness is being like God in His love.Giftedness is charisma. Godliness is character.You can be successful with giftedness alone, but successwill be short-lived and isolated in one or two areas of yourlife. For real success that spans your whole life, you needgiftedness and godliness 
SOURCE: How to Turn Thoughts into Things by Bo Sanchez

Your success in life can have so much meaning if your actions are created to make a positive effect in the lives of people. What are your dreams made of and how will this affect our world today and tomorrow.

and discover the secret of how you can live a life of permanent purpose.  This movie can help you dream BIG.

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