Wednesday, June 22, 2011


During a trip to Singapore, a friend explained to me how Chinese bamboo trees grow.

Here goes….

If you plant a bamboo seedling and give it proper water, sunlight and nourishment in the first year there will be no growth at all other than a tiny little sprout.

During the second year, nothing. Third year, nothing. You start to wonder what’s wrong with this thing? 

After four years of regular caring... still nothing. Except for a tiny sprout, your bamboo tree is no bigger than it was the first year.

But then the fifth year comes around and when the bamboo tree finally does decide to grow, what happens in the next 4-6 weeks will surprise you. The tiny sprout you attentively cared for will grow as much as 3 feet in a single DAY until it reaches as high as 90 feet.

How can this be?

While the bamboo may not have appeared to be growing at all during those first four years, it was growing below ground the entire time, developing miles of its massive network of roots, which would help propel its rapid growth in year five.

This is what many people from the outside looking in would call “overnight success.”

Developing yourself, your goals or your business is very similar. You have to lay the foundation first before you see big tangible results. You need to hone your skills, develop your talent, build your knowledge, and strengthen your values because by creating a strong base you’re able to grow, mature and produce the best results.

Success does not come overnight. You need patience. You may be working on a project and not seeing any result after days, months even years of hard work and you begin to feel as if your efforts are of no value. This is not true! Don’t stop. Just continue. This is your transition stage. Learn from every experience, create, modify and deepen your roots.

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