“Form good habits…be a good person” is the universal motherly advice every one of us can recall when we scratch the realm of our memories. Tiny tots and youngsters are forever bound, protected and guided by their seniors and elderly in order to help them on to tread the path laid on time tested principles of honesty and good behavior. Yet sometimes unknowingly they take the forbidden route just to prove things for the heck of it.
Due to the extreme stress, strain and stretch of the competitive world around any person today, we tend to be more susceptible to succumb to pressure and buckle under it. Here’s where the need for addiction in any form arises which however provides only temporary solace rather than erasing the real cause. We sometimes latch on to it and slowly get further and further suck into its false whirlpool leading us to lose our will power.
Here’s the good news, any addiction can be overcome, any bad patch overridden if only we could endure it by facing it head-on keeping the following lines from Kipling in mind
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds worth of distance run
Yours is the earth and everything that’s in it
And – which is more – you’ll be a MAN!
There are 3 major things you need to kick that bad habit away… DETERMINATION – WILLINGNESS FOR CHANGE – ACCEPTANCE. Have these 3 while following the steps below and you’re on your way to becoming a new YOU.
1/ Know your ‘WHY’. Often times a strong why is all you need to get moving. In order to let go of a habbit that is no longer serving you, you really need to sit down and evaluate the reasons why this is no longer serving you. Be honest with yourself as this may be very challenging realizing you don't need something that you've been holding on to for a long time.
2/ Choose the people who you hang out with. Not all your friends are good influence and you may have acquired a bad habit from a friend or group of friends and even share that habit you once did. Realize everyone breaks bad habits at their own time. Be careful if you are in a situation where you are feeling the need to get back into your bad habit because of peer pressure. Yes, Peer pressure still exists when you are much older. Keep clear of extra temptation to do bad.
3/ Take 3 long deep breaths. This is a technique that you should get in the habit of doing. Every time you are thinking about taking action on a bad habit, take 3 long deep breaths and totally clear your mind. This will allow you to be clear and re-evaluate your situation.
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