Staying positive is key to a happy and successful life. Self-hypnosis is the fastest way to clear your mind and re-focus. Train yourself to absorb only good thoughts. Often times, it’s good to stay away from people who make you unhappy or uncomfortable. Treat life’s circumstances as a learning experience, this way you welcome everything with a grateful heart.
Dubai-based holistic practitioner and hypnotherapist Graca Ward shares 7 tips to keep a positive mind.
1/ Psych yourself up
If you are dreading an event, imagine a time when you felt confident and happy. Play this in your mind as if you are watching a movie. Imagine the play of colours, turn up the volume, expand the picture in your mind and feel the emotion. Close your eye and visualize the applause you receive from people. This exercise will help turn fear to confidence.
2/ Act confident
Start your day by making up your mind to act confident. One way to feel good is when you look good, so dress up your way to confidence. Here’s a secret… confidence can be faked – there is no difference between someone who is really confident from the one who is acting confident . Project yourself with pride, do this everyday – before you know it you’ve turn yourself into one hell of a confident person.
3/ Ask help
Don’t hesitate to ask help specially if you need one. A hypnotherapist can teach you how to use self-hypnosis for relaxation, self-improvement and even to boost sport performance.
4/ Protect yourself
Visualization techniques can help protect you from other people’s negativity. Some people imagine a protective bubble around them. Others imagine strengthening their own aura or energy field so that negative vibrations bounce off them. Daily, I would chant positive words and imagine a pure white light protecting me. A hypnotherapist can help you with cord-cutting, where you emotionally release the person who is affecting you in a negative way. You may find that in real life, the person actually goes away or stops ‘pressing your buttons’.
5/ At bedtime
Repetition of certain keywords can be hypnotically relaxing. Clear your mind before sleep by repeating, ‘I am floating’, or ‘I am relaxing’, in your mind. Listening to the sound of waves or raindrops can also put you in a relaxed state.
6/ Think BIG
Feeling that we are unworthy of success can be very destructive. You may have heard this phrase, ‘Who do you think you are?’ while growing up and then grew up to believe that you deserve only an average life. This is a limiting belief that stop you from getting BIG! Free yourself now of these false beliefs because we all deserve to grow and succeed.
7/ Yes, you can!
Yes, I can! Think about words that make you feel strong. Say words that give you power. Live by the words that represent your best image. Repeat and affirm these positive words daily (changing when necessary) and feel the magical power of your words.
SOURCE: Aquarius Magazine
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