Hi there! I found this really cool thing that I would like to share with you guys. You see, I’m a strong believer of the principles written in the book ‘The Secret’. The magical power of our brain, the law of attraction, visualization and manifesting is just unbelievable. Now I discovered another secret (see how when you need something, they just come out of nowhere?), The 7 Secrets to Happiness.
Before it’s global launch, Natalie Ledwell from the Mind Movies Team and author of The 7 Secrets to Happiness is giving us a chance to try out the program for F.R.E.E. All she asks is to hear our view and feedback.
The program is divided into 7 modules. Here is what you will learn about…
Module 1: The Habit of Gratitude
When you feel good, you maintain a state of joy. You actually change the level of your vibration, from the simple act of being grateful, joyful, and feeling GOOD! And when this happens, you have created a positive conduit to attracting the things you feel most deeply about.
Module 2: Define What YOU Want!
You’ll never achieve your goals if you can’t clearly see what you want. Surprisingly, this is often extremely difficult to do, because quite simply, you’ve gotten so used to NOT having things go in your favor.
This module will show you how to quickly get to the heart of what is most important to YOU (not your boss, your spouse, or your best friend!) You may be shocked at what you discover about your true heart’s desire
Module 3: Where Is My Stuff?
Let’s face it—"stuff" happens. And when it does, doubt and despair often raise their ugly heads.
To meet your goals and attract what you want into your life, you must replace the doubt with a State of Allowing. You must ALLOW all the good things you want to come into your life.
This module will give you FIVE powerful tools to overcome doubt and replace negative thoughts with a State of Allowing.
Module 4: Thoughts Become Things
Oh my goodness, once you realize the importance and truth of this, it will change everything for you. This one module alone can be the turning point when you realize how consistently you may be sabotaging yourself each day.
Your thoughts are the MOST important step in manifesting your best life. This module will guide you to victory over the “garbage in—garbage out” cycle of negative thinking and expectation.
Module 5: What’s Holding You Back?
The most common reason for failing to meet your goals (until now!) is this: a mental block or limiting belief.
These can be deep and undetected, because they often spring from our childhood years before the age of six. In other words, these are beliefs that are longstanding and buried deeply in our psyches.
Well guess what? We’re going to set FIRE to those limiting thoughts once and for all, so you can realize your full potential. It’s freeing, it’s powerful, and it works.
Module 6: Are You Prepared To Pay The Price?
Do you REALLY want to achieve your goals, or is it just a twisted mantra you repeat year after year?
There’s almost always something that must be given before you can receive. In other words, there’s a price to be paid.
But the good news is, it doesn’t have to be gut wrenching or painful either! I’ll guide you through a process that will make you WANT to “give it up” when you realize the tremendous rewards waiting for you.
Module 7: Believe You Can Do It!
Because you CAN! Dale Carnegie said, “fear doesn’t exist anywhere except in the mind.”
Think about it and you’ll soon see the truth of this statement. There aren’t any “green meanies” living in your closet, or lying in wait to pounce.
It’s truly a head game you play that keeps you on the losing side of the equation.
It’s about time for a change, wouldn’t you agree?
In this module you’ll discover how to develop the habit of belief—and finally eliminate fearful thinking and anxiety that may be running your life—and keep YOU running away from personal success.
No matter how doubtful or skeptical you may be right now, you can replace these thoughts with a firestorm of positive energy that will break down any barrier. I’ll show you how to do it, and give you a ton of valuable resources too.
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