Monday, June 27, 2011


Have you ever wished you could start to attract better things into your life... instead of all the worst-case scenarios you envisioned?  Evaluate what you think about because YOU Attract Your Greatest Fears!

If you’re living exactly the opposite of how you dream to live your life, it must be due to the kind of thoughts you keep in your head that ultimately sends out a negative vibration to your world.  Good news is that you can change that and begin to attract what you want.  


The manifestation doesn't come because you've been thinking about it.  It comes because of the emotion and the feeling that's behind your thoughts.  Manifestation occurs because of the feelings that you send out, not because of your thoughts.  If you feel good about anything at all, then you're going to attract things that you associate with being good.
When you simply visualize your desires for the purpose of manifesting them, although that visualization may feel good, you're also including into your vibration the feelings that you do not already have the desire.

You cannot want something and not include that wanting into your vibration.  You need to feel good for the purpose of feeling good.

How to instantly raise your vibration!

A powerful way to raise your vibration instantly is through B L E S S I N G!

When you bless people you give to them from your heart, sending out positive loving wishes and warm hearty energies that uplift and beckon always the most beautiful becoming.

"Bless people unconditionally from the depths of your heart. 
Wish them well sincerely with a lighted spark!" ~Aine Belton .

Doing so is a great gift to others, and to yourself also! 

You can't not receive what travels through you in that sense, and your own energy field and vibration will be raised and enhanced, boosting your personal positive attractor-factor!

In blessing others, your become a receptor and benefactor of your blessings too!

Blessings are born of love, care, giving and appreciation. They are pure, beautiful expressions of the heart and will enhance, not only the lives of others, but will lift your spirits and raise your vibration instantly in the process! 

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