Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Secrets to Happines

Secrets to Happiness from Andrew Matthews

‘I just want to be happy’

Next to ‘Coke’ and ‘Mc Donalds’ these set of words could be one of the most spoken phrase in the planet. I hear this everyday – ‘ I WANT TO BE HAPPY’… well obviously, who doesn’t?

According to Andrew there are 10 secrets to happiness. Read on to find out…

1) Be happy where you are now
Right now! Be thankful for what you have, instead of moaning about what you lack. Be satisfied with what you have when you are in pursuit of what you want.

2) Happiness, more than anything, is a choice we make every day
Happiness is a conscious decision. You choose to be happy today or you choose to be miserable. Your action/reaction is determined by how you choose to perceive a situation.

3) Happiness is understanding the things we can’t change yet and working on those we can
Some things are hard to change overnight. It’s unusual to change from a pauper into a millionaire in a day. Happiness is knowing that some things take more time. We can start by working on what we can change immediately.

4) Put a smile on your face. It changes how you think.
A smile relaxes your tense facial muscles. A smile can brighten up someone else day. Smile often, it makes a lot of difference.

5) Whatever you get, accept it and deal with it
All too often, when something bad happens, we are too quick to point fingers and start placing blame on everyone else. When you point a finger at someone, notice 4 fingers are pointing back at you!
Happiness is about accepting responsibility and dealing with what comes your way. Blaming the whole world is not going to solve anything.

6) Problems = Catalyst to take Action
Andrew advises to see problems as a catalyst for us to take action. Problems are good teachers, so learn to love them. Look at problems as an opportunity to grow. There is always a bright side to everything, open yourself to this side.

You may be going through rough times now. You may be going through trials. Sometimes, you wonder if you can overcome your problems. Don’t give up! Because you know that at the end of the day, you’re going to win. Because that’s just how your story ends.

7) Learn from the elephants!

How do you eat an elephant?
Answer: One bite at a time.

What did the elephant say to the naked man?
Answer: How do you breathe through that thing?

8 ) Put everything you have into whatever you are doing now

Look at all successful athletes, they train day and night without complain until they are masters of their sport. They put their 100% best effort all the time. Give your 100% always and life will support you!

9) It’s not what you get. It’s what you become that matters

Do you feel your life is lacking something? I have a suggestion you may want to consider.
Have you heard of this magical thing called service? Serve someone else. Forget about yourself and find out what true satisfaction is.

Most of the time, it’s not about what you have but how you have made a difference.

10) No one else is going to make you happier. Work on yourself.
Work on your mindset. See things from a positive light.

Once upon a time, people actually believed the earth was the center of the universe. Once upon a time, people believed that the earth was flat. Once upon a time, people believed that God is cruel and tyrannical …

Funny how people create these crazy ideas.

Think positive thoughts, dream big ideas, paint beautiful pictures in your head.

On a final note…Happiness is a choice. It’s yours to make, no body else.


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