When you study numerology the question of whether or not your fate is predetermined by the number that you happen to be often comes up.
Number 1
SOURCE: Numerology.com
Predetermination is a huge issue when it comes to all systems of prediction and character analysis and like many of these intuitive interpretative systems numerology can quite often be used much like an oracle.
However the problem with treating your Life Expression or Destiny number like an oracle is that it does lock you into predetermination or into somehow thinking that your fate is sealed.
Nothing could be further from the truth as you can use the symbolism of the number to figure out where you come up lacking in terms of certain personality traits and skills and focus on what you can do to improve them.
Here is a look at many of the fates that are assigned the numbers in numerology and what you can do to transcend them.
The fate of a number 1 is supposed to be that of an autocratic leader or charismatic auteur who is able to develop a relationship with many but is often destined to be unloved by a special someone.
The number 1 does not always have to fall into that delusion that things have got to be "lonely at the top." If the 1 learns how to be less self-centered and devote time to a family and spouse they are less likely to live out their destiny as a successful loner.
Number 2
The fate of a number 2 is supposed to be a life of slavish devotion to one person in a relationship that is so obsessive that they do not have time for anything else in their life including a career.
The fact is that if a 2 knows that he or she is prone to codependency there are things that he or she can do to combat that including making a conscious effort to develop oneself. The 2 can have his or her cake and eat it too despite what the number 2 fate dictates!
Number 3
The number 3 fate is to forever be like a wandering minstrel who spreads joy and charm wherever he or she goes but will never have the inclination to settle down and build a home. The 3 also has a reputation for being unfaithful and is also destined to be famous.
By exercising free will a 3 can actually stay out of the spotlight as well as be faithful. It only takes a little determination and focus. A 3 is usually quite wealthy as well so they do have the capacity to build an empire if the desire is there.
Number 4
The number 4 fate is one fraught with challenges of all sorts. The 4 may be born poor or have health problems and the idea is that they must transcend terrible odds in order to achieve great success.
It might very well be that the Number 4 does have all of these challenges to take on but probably the worst thing that could happen is that the 4 subscribes to the interpretation of the number as being one that always has "bad luck." The danger here is that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is much better that the Number 4 think positively instead.
Number 5
The number 5 fate is supposed to be one that is restless and preoccupied with adventure. This number is supposed to never settle down and develop roots and becomes anxious if saddled with one person or situation for too long.
The truth is that the number 5 is capable of being quite rich particularly if they focus on inner travels and being creative with their lifestyles. Many of them also make great farmers.
SOURCE: Numerology.com
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