Sunday, February 13, 2011

Your FATE Number / Numerology

Number 6 
The number 6 fate is one that is destined to settle down, have lots of children and also stay within the confines of the status quo or moral majority.  Many of them also end up supporting extended families.
The truth is that much number 6's will passionately fight for a cause and become warriors when it comes to defending the underdogs. They are also brilliant when it comes to starting thriving family businesses.  They seem gentle but can be quite tough when it comes to standing up for them and can also end up being quite rich.
Number 7 
The number 7 fate number is one that describes a more homely individual who will be living out his or her life as a lonely eccentric genius. This individual is supposed to be easily misunderstood and troubles relating to the opposite sex.
The truth is that there are a lot of people out there who appreciate artistic talent or a genius and many 7s do end up in a relationship with a person that acts almost like a caretaker.  Many 7s are also very sexy simply because they have a quality of character that is very attractive.

Number 8 
The number 8 fate number is blessed because he or she is supposed to be born rich, marry rich or quite simply just attract a lot of money. However along with this good fortune the number 8 is also supposed to attract a great deal of intrigue and misfortune in the form of personal problems.
The truth is that not all Number 8s have to become the equivalent in personality of J.R. Ewing on "Dallas". Many of them marry for love despite their love of money. The 8 can also reign in their talent for creating drama and quite easily use their powers for good instead of evil.
Number 9 
The number 9 fate number is a "wounded healer" type number. Destiny wise this type usually has a rough time with their health, finances or romance and then experiences a spiritual breakthrough that turns them into a helper of others.
The number 9 can easily take his or her destiny into their own hands by vowing not to be a martyr in life. Focusing on their own needs instead of always putting others first is one way they can get ahead and take better care of their health, money and love matters.

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