Monday, February 7, 2011

Goal Setting Process by John Assaraf

John Assaraf, Bo Sanchez, Joe Vitale and about half a dozen more top Life Coaches say the same thing about goal setting and achieving success.... in every area of your life.

Write down your goals - Find a mentor - Visualize you dreams.

Let us all learn from the expert... read about John Assaraf's goal setting process and see how it works.

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Hi Friend

Your Goal Setting Game Plan for 2011

Goals shouldn't be generalized desires, such as "I want more money" or "I want to be happy." Goals should be exact, specific outcomes--results you can get your head and emotions around. The first step to living your dream life is put your goals in writing.
        Set your overall life goal and vision.
What works best for me is first setting my overall life goal, which is also my master vision and overview. I develop that vision into my one-year goals with specific monthly, weekly, and daily goals and actions that move in that direction for each section of my life.

Set Your One Year Goals.
List your one-year goals in each of the following categories: mental health, physical health, finances, spirituality, family, significant other, family, business and contribution. Once your yearly goals are written, break them down into achievable monthly, weekly and daily routines and activities likely steps. Use your calendar, day planner or other organizing tool to record the activities and keep track of your progress. It's critical to always have your goal forms and life planning documents at your fingertips, as accessible to you are your regular planner, whether it's electronic or on paper. Like most people, I have a list a mile long of things to accomplish--all of which have grown directly out of my goals.

Find a mentor.
Choose someone you respect and who has accomplished what you're setting out to do. The just ask. Some people let their fear of rejection or of being an imposition get in the way of posing this simple question: Would you be willing to mentor me? Of course, there's a little more conversation involved, including telling the prospective mentor why it will benefit him or her, too.

If you have difficulty with any aspect of this goal-setting process, just set it aside for a day, then come back to it. Don't feel you have to complete your goals in one 15-minute scribbling session. Legendary basketball coach John Wooden said he used to spend more than one hour of planning for every 10 minutes of actual practice. With this formula, he won more NCAA basketball championships than any coach ever had.

To fuel action on your goals, take some time to consider how achieving them makes you feel. How will you act, walk, and talk when you achieve each goal? What will you do with your new abundant life? Come up with as many positive reasons and anchors as you can for achieving your goal to fuel you to do your best. Don't sit on the sidelines waiting for things to change. Take charge and make your dreams come true.

John Assaraf is one of the experts featured in the film and book The Secret, which he helped launch into a worldwide phenomenon. He has shared his expertise on achieving financial freedom and living an extraordinary life with millions of viewers on Larry King Live, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and dozens of other media venues worldwide.

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